Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Emissions of rural villages’ boiler houses remain insufficiently studied in comparison with emissions of big urban heat power engineering objects. In this paper have been presented the results of comparative analysis for a dust pollution level and trace element composition of solid particles in vicinity of rural villages’ boiler houses distinguishing by technological parameters and the fuel’s type (coal or gas) based on the snow cover’s trace element composition study. It has been established that the dust load value relating to background in vicinity of different coal-burning boiler houses is varying and depends on fuel consumption volumes, availability of dust and gas trapping system, coal depository and vehicle park. The dust load value does not exceeded background in vicinity of gas- burning boiler houses no matter of their technological parameters. It has been demonstrated that the trace elements accumulation level in the samples from vicinity of coal-burning and gas-burning boiler houses depends on type, composition and flow rates of fuel, as well as from the fly ash composition and local emissions sources. Have been marked general tracer elements (Hg, Zn, Ni, Mo, Co, Ba, Sr) and specific ones (Cd, As, Sb, Pb, V) of man-made impact for different coal-burning boiler houses. Hg, As, Cd have been proposed as general tracer elements of man-made impact for coal-burning boiler houses. It has been stated that natural gas is the most environmental friendliness fuel in comparison with coal regardless of boiler house’s technological parameters.

boiler house, coal, natural gas, solid phase of snow, trace elements, geochemistry.

1. Введение
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