Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Instead of the widespread model for search and restriction of industrial sources’ excessive emissions, had been considered a problem related to a search of region’s protective norms, at which the sources’ parameters will be preserved. Emission sources’ priority is admissible when developing a new infrastructure of the region, and extends designer capabilities. The anticipated region has been divided into a number of zones with flexible borders, in which not uniform norms of environmental safety are valid. In the region has been distributed a group of emissions sources with different coordinates and variable pollution dispersion parameters. The conflict has been estimated by a numerical integral of the general function for the sources emissions exceeding over the region’s zones norms. The dispersion of pollutions emitted by the sources was modeled by functions of parabolic type, but more sophisticated presentations, forecast or monitoring data are also acceptable. To minimize the conflict criterion the Nelder-Mead procedure has been applied. In a numerical experiment has been demonstrated a steady decrease of the conflict, up to its full eliminating, that means the exceeding function’s unimodality relative to the optimization parameter (the norm vector) and, consequently, the suitability of the Nelder-Mead algorithm. Iterations recorded the criterion and optimization parameter change, the conflict estimation, and the exceeding function’s graphics. This has allowed select the region’s pollution norms to regulate the conflict degree. The conflict eliminating price is determined by the acceptability or economic assessment of changes in the region zones’ ecological status. In 2D‑3D graphics, the optimization results for the vector of region zones’ safety norms have been commented. The method allows manage the conflict by rather simple means, preserving the industrial potential of regions with a complex infrastructure.
region pollution, emissions sources, region zones’ norms, the Nelder-Mead algorithm.
1. Введение
В конфликте источников выбросов с нормативами загрязнения области приоритет обычно отдают экологии.
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8. Fedosov V. V., Fedosova A. V. Ispol’zovanie neyrosetey dlya graficheskoy otsenki zagryazneniya territorii vybrosami gruppy istochnikov [Use of neural networks for graphical estimation of pollution of territory by emissions from a group of sources]. Informacionnye tehnologii [Information Technology]. 2015, V. 21, I. 2, pp. 156–160. (in Russian).
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