Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Concepts of team roles in making implementing of decisions in the process of teamwork and communicative roles in situations of rumors discussing are compared. Differences and similarities in the categories of roles, content of role repertoires, functioning at key stages of interaction are analyzed. The fundamental difference in understanding the concept of «role» as a situationally conditioned, when discussing rumors, and based on individual dispositions of team members is determined. The hypothesis of «role balance», which determines the completeness of the representation in the group of all roles as predictor of the effectiveness of solving a common problem, is considered.
roles, team roles, communicative roles, role balance, rumors, counteraction to rumors, effectiveness of interaction.
В современной психологии управления социальные роли в их традиционном понимании поведения, определяемого статусами индивидов [14], противопоставляются командным ролям (team roles), описывающим особенности функционирования членов рабочих групп, «взаимодополняющих и взаимозаменяющих друг друга в ходе достижения общей цели» [5, с. 11].
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