Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the most famous philosophical and legal approaches to the understanding of the nation — "the nation as a state" and "nation, as a culture" in various social and philosophical options. Strategic adjustment of the state national policy is based on the idea of formation of the Russian nation, based on the civic consciousness and spiritual community. The author examines the Russian nation in a new methodological perspective — as the multinational people of the nation. In this case, the new methodological story becomes a new methodological dialectical synthesis, removing the contradiction between two opposing concepts. The core of the multinational people stands ethnocultural interaction with the subjects of the social system.

nation, nation-state, nation-culture, multinational people, ethno-cultural interaction, national policy, civilization.

Одной из актуальных проблем современной социально-философской мысли исходя из увеличивающегося массива научных публикаций является совершенствование этнокультурного взаимодействия народов в социальной системе российского общества.


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