Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article highlights the three (2015, 2016, 2017) international scientific-practical conferences held on the initiative of the Institute of socio-humanitarian technologies, Centre for socio-economic and humanitarian technologies of the «MSUTM them. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)» and the Embassy of Switzerland in the Russian Federation with the support of the Swiss state Secretariat. Intercultural dialogue had taken place on the basis of partnerships on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Switzerland (2015), national systems of education and science revealed a critical problem for both countries. The content of the article is doubly true: the conversation continued in the two subsequent forums in 2016 and 2017, not complete. The relation between innovations and traditions, the introduction of educational and pedagogical technologies, development of new methodology of pedagogical thinking continues to require attention. The formation of a new technological structure requires a new model of pedagogy.
educational environment, modernization of pedagogical education, pedagogical reflection, the new methodology of pedagogical thinking, the experience of a bygone era, a new model of pedagogy.
Последнее десятилетие в ходе становления нового технологического уклада особенно ярко демонстрирует обострение разного рода противоречий, усугубляя ситуацию неопределенности в поисках выхода из затянувшегося мирового системного кризиса.
1. Mezhdunarodnyy dialog v natsional'nykh sistemakh obrazovaniya i nauki [International dialogue in national systems of education and science]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii 7–8 aprelya 2015 g. [Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference 7–8 April 2015]. Moscow, 2015. 290 p.
2. Innovatsii i traditsii: sovremennye vyzovy razvitiya pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya [Innovations and traditions: modern challenges of the development of pedagogical education]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference]. Moscow, «Vash format» Publ., 2016. 536 p.
3. Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie na styke epokh: innovatsii i traditsii v sfere obrazovatel'nykh tekhnologiy. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (5–6 aprelya 2017 g.; «MGUTU imeni K.G Razumovskogo (PKU)») [Pedagogical education at the junction of epochs: innovations and traditions in the field of educational technologies. Collection of scientific works of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 5–6, 2017, "MGUITU named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)")]. Moscow, «VASh FORMAT» Publ., 2017. 550 p.