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Abstract (English):
Research objective is development of increase methods in productivity of barley grades and peas of the fodder direction use in the conditions of the Central Volga Area forest-steppe. Now barley is the main fod-der culture. Its grain contains 11.8% of a protein, 2.3% fat, 2.8% ashes and 65-72% the out of extractive substances. Seed of barley is rich with starch (55-65%), contains also B1, B2, C and E vitamins, from min-eral substances compounds of phosphorus and silicon acid prevail. Thanks to the high fodder qualities seed of barley and products of its processing is much more nutritious than other concentrated forages. 1 kg of forage from seed of barley contains 100-120 g of digested protein. Results of researches for 2014-2016 with an assessment of indicators of safety, dynamics of accumulation of solid, structure of a harvest and productivity of different grades of barley in comparison with peas on different backgrounds of mineral food and with processing of crops by liquid fertilizers and the regulator of growth in the conditions of the Central Volga Area forest-steppe are given. Three-factorial experience has included two levels of mineral food: without fertilizers, N45P45K45 (a factor A); five grades of barley: Helios, Vakula, Berkut, Yastreb, Bezenchukskiy 2 and a grade of peas the Flagman 12 (control) (a factor B); processing of crops on vegetation in a phase of branching by medicines: Avibif, Aminokat, Megamiks N10 (factor C). The maximum efficiency for years of researches Helios with processing of crops on vegetation by the medicine Megamiks N10 both without application of fertilizers provides grade barley, and at introduction of N45P45K45. He has provided productivity of 2.66 t/hectare.

barley, peas, fertilizer, regulator, yield, liquid
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