Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The purpose of the work was to assess the timing of the transition of the Russian economy and the economy of individual Russian regions to the dominance of the fifth techno-economic paradigm. By constructing econometric models of economic dynamics, the timing of the beginning of the dominance of the fifth technoeconomic paradigm was estimated. The transition to the domination of the fifth techno-economic paradigm in the economy of the country can expected in 2040. The economy of individual regions has already made the transition to the dominance of the fifth techno-economic paradigm. In the economy of a large part of the regions, the transition to the dominance of the fifth techno-economic paradigm can expected in many years and decades. Estimates of the expected timeframe for the transition to the dominance of the fifth techno-economic paradigm obtained on basis of the assumption that the trends of economic development prevailing in 2001–2015 were preserved.
fifth techno-economic paradigm, dominance, terms, country, regions, econometric models.
Цель работы — оценка сроков перехода экономики России и экономики отдельных российских регионов к доминированию пятого технологического уклада, который доминирует в экономике развитых стран.
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