Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article is devoted to the formation of the concept of strategic analysis of the economic entities’ financial resources. The analysis of the financial resources is one of the key moments in assessment of the activities of economic entities as it creates a basis of the effective financial policy, is far beyond a research of the financial relations, the account and count of the monetary capital and it has strategic objectives and tasks. Today essence of a multipurpose approach to the analysis and assessment of the financial resources, which is characterized by conditions of the rapidly changing market environment, is not fully revealed. All this allows drawing a conclusion on need of carrying out researches in this field. In article the conceptual approach to the strategic analysis of economic entities’ financial resources is offered. The multistage system is created and the methodology of carrying out strategic analysis of financial resources of economic entities is presented.
financial resources, financial relations, monetary capital, strategic analysis.
Прежде чем представить нашу концепцию стратегического анализа финансовых ресурсов хозяйствующих субъектов, необходимо дать определение понятия «стратегический анализ финансовых ресурсов».
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