Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The inclusive educational environment is characterized by the system of the valuable relation to training, education and personal development of children with special educational needs, may contain a number of threats, connected, including, with the increased confl ict intensity. In this paper experience, prospects and abilities to integrate a method of school mediation and to creation of services of school mediation in the system of the general education in Krasnoyarsk Region are analyzed as a condition of providing available education for children with special educational needs.

inclusive education, the inclusive educational environment, meditative technologies, children with special educational needs.

Инклюзивная (включающая) образовательная среда реализует обеспечение равного доступа к получению образования; создание необходимых условий для адаптации всех без исключения детей независимо от их индивидуальных особенностей, психических и физических возможностей; обеспечивает процессы гуманизации образования, которая создает условия, максимально благоприятствующие саморазвитию каждого ребенка [1, 3].


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