Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The article analyses the development trends of the HR-management practice on the basis of presentations by the experts on the World Summit HR Digital — 2017. The reasons of change from socio-humanistic HR-management to economic and marketing HR-management are justifi ed. The trends of the instrumental updates of the personnel manager functionality are given. The article identifi es the key managerial tasks in predictive technological development of HR-management, aimed at the design of turnover rate model, and assessment model of economic returns on resources, which are invested in HR-management. The author presents the empirical investigation results aimed at assessment of the ceiling on transformation HR-management and time lag in entry updates. The basic limit on spread widely and rapidly of the new digital technology is determined: the policies of budgeting of the workforce management functional; the concerns about investment return and low level of confi dence in automation of the manual and traditional management processes.
HR-management, digital-technologies, functions of management, budgeting, recruitment, tools of management.
Более 600 специалистов в области кадрового менеджмента собрались на ежегодной профессиональной площадке, организуемой крупнейшим провайдером рынка труда Head-Hunter. Международный саммит проводится уже в восьмой раз.
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