
Особенностью этого номера является то, что в нем наряду с учеными со степенями и званиями участвуют и молодые исследователи: аспиранты, магистранты и студенты. Они успешно прошли рецензирование и по праву получили авторство в журнале.


1. Antonova Yu.V.Rol’ interneta v formirovanii informatsionnoy Agrba A.A. Teoretiko-kul’turologicheskie modeli osmysleniya fenomena reklamy: sovremennye teorii i kontseptsii [Theoreticcultural models of understanding the phenomenon of advertising: modern theories and concepts]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

2. Bobylev B.G. Problemy etiki biznes-kommunikatsiy v sovremennoy Rossii [Problems of the ethics of business communications in modern Russia]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

3. Bykova O.P., Martynova M.A., Siromakha V.G. Transformatsiya sovremennoy obrazovatel’noy sredy v svete prioritetnykh napravleniy razvitiya vysshey shkoly [Transformation of the modern educational environment in the light of priority directions of the development of higher education]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

4. Glagoleva A.V., Zemskaya Yu.N., Kuznetsova E.A. Kak obshchat’sya s sovremennoy molodezh’yu? Rezul’taty issledovaniya kommunikativnogo povedeniya studentov RUDN [How to communicate with modern youth? Results of the study of communicative behavior of students of PFUR]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

5. Golovko V.A. Yazyk. Kul’tura. Kommunikatsiya: izuchenie i obuchenie [Language. Culture. Communication: study and training]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

6. El’tsova M.N., Slovnikova E.L. Osobennosti svyazi slogana s arkhaicheskim myshleniem s tochki zreniya realizatsii chuvstvenno-obraznoy sostavlyayushchey [Features of the connection of the slogan with archaic thinking from the point of view of the realization of the sensory-shaped component]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

7. Ivashko K.S. Individualizatsiya i differentsiatsiya v protsesse obucheniya [Individualization and differentiation in the learning process]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

8. Kornilova V.V., Lyu Tkhi Khuen. Globalizatsiya i identichnost’ iranskikh zhenshchin [Globalization and identity of Iranian women]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

9. Leyla Khodem Maksus Khosseyni. Globalizatsiya i identichnost’ iranskikh zhenshchin [Globalization and identity of Iranian women]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

10. Lenkova T.A. Fotografiya — sosredotochenie raznykh semioticheskikh kodov [Photo — the concentration of different semiotic codes]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

11. Papusha I.S. Globalizatsiya i identichnost’ iranskikh zhensh -chin [Globalization and identity of Iranian women]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

12. Prosvirtina I.I. Vedushchiy tok-shou kak yazykovaya lichnost’ [The talk show host as a linguistic personality]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

13. Semenova L.M. Problemy etiki biznes-kommunikatsiy v sovremennoy Rossii [The problems of the ethics of business communications in modern Russia]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

14. Chernikov M.V. Polemiziruya s Serlem… ili chto takoe kommunikativnyy akt? [Polemising with Searle ... or what is a communicative act?]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communication science]. 2017, I. 6.

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