Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper deals with the problem of medical students’ anxiety, which affects the learning process. The pedagogy task is the formation of a stable dominant, aiding in the development of educational material. One of the main tasks of the teacher is conditions creation for formation at students of several dominants in order to make the learning process creative and variable is necessary to exclude the presence of anxiety in the student, both personal and situational. The establishment of a trusting relationship between teacher and students contributes to the development of motivational needs for learning. To identify the level of anxiety among the students we used the technique proposed by C.D. Spielberger adapted by Yu.L. Hanin, allowing differentiated to measure anxiety and as personal property, and as a state. The measurement of anxiety as a personality is particularly important, because this property determines the behavior of the student, and, consequently, his motivation for training. For more successful mastering of educational discipline, it is necessary to hold the input control and to identify the level of anxiety of students to adjust the curriculum using an individual approach.

personal anxiety, situational anxiety, motivation, necessity, dominant, training, individual approach, educational process.

В настоящее время при обучении в высшей школе особое внимание уделяется формированию у студентов потребностей к освоению новых знаний, снимая при этом отвлекающие и раздражающие факторы [3, 9].


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