Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem this article deals with is connected to interaction of slogan with the archaic thinking. According to the aims of this study, there is proven that slogan is an advertising text with all pragmatic and stylistic features of that. Therefore, slogan also possesses the synergetic discourse categories: meaningimage, emotivity, valuation, interdiscoursivity / intertextuality, tensity, and tension. Slogan can attract attention and stick to one’s memory but it is not vouched that the recipient of this slogan will make his choice in favor to the ware advertised. Therefore, the features of archaic thinking are stated briefly because the study investigates main linguistic means appealing to perceptual-meaningimage part of archaic thinking. The study contains complex linguistic analysis of slogans in terms of realization of perceptual-meaningimage part in them. While analyzing the lexical part of slogans from our corpus we have discovered three main ways of actualizing the meaningimage category.

slogan, archaic thinking, perceptual-meaningimage part, advertising text, synergetic discourse categories, complex linguistic analysis, main ways of actualizing the meaningimage category.

Рекламный дискурс, ориентированный на оптимизацию своего влияния на адресата, стремится использовать разные способы и пути воздействия: логическое и эмоциональное, прямое и косвенное, т.е. знаки различных систем и разные типы восприятия человеком окружающего мира.


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