Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This study’s urgency is determined by absence of serious researches in the usage area of «flipped» learning model (FLM) applied to engineering geometry and computer graphics (EGCG); by absence of scientifically-based, tested and implemented programs and learning materials for EGCG FLM; as well as by the need for development of new modern tools to support classroom work and forms of students’ individual work. The purpose of this study is to examine the current state of knowledge and practice of existing EGCG courses, using the FLM concept as the main pedagogical strategy. Research methods are pedagogical experiment, expert assessment, cluster analysis. Problem state: since 2012 the FLM approach has gained popularity not only in schools but also in engineering universities. FLM presents opportunities for solutions of complex pedagogic problems in engineering education, but creates some difficulties in model implementation preparing. Most of based on the FLM researches in the area of engineering education have been conducted on the basis of short-term studies, and on feedback from professors and students and their reviews. Theoretical and practical contribution of materials: this paper represents a synthesis of qualitative and quantitative researches on engineering courses using the FLM. The study has demonstrated that the issues of EGCG FLM have not been investigated in the scientific and methodological literature. Has been identified students relation to the FLM, as well as to the role of learning materials and professor’s personality in the FLM. Advantages and disadvantages of the FLM have been revealed, and recommendations on students training have been presented. Study significance: the study has proved the absence of scientifically-based, tested and implemented programs and learning materials for students learning on EGCG using FLM. To create reasonable theoretical bases for pedagogy in the area of EGCG FLM, as well as corresponding evaluation methods it is necessary to conduct further scientific researches examining various aspects related to practical implementation of long-term programs and learning materials. This paper’s materials can be useful for lecturers of technical universities.

Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics (EGCG), Flipped (Inverted) Learning Model (FLM), cluster analysis, systematic review.

Ранее инженерное образование в основном поддерживало традиционные педагогические подходы. Однако недавние революционные достижения в области информационных технологий, широкомасштабное развитие интернет-технологий открыли совершенно новые направления исследований в области образования.


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