Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The quality of university students’ graphic training should meet modern requirements to design and development execution and design drafting. The role of students’ tools training for wide use of CAD systems in solving of learning problems and execution of project tasks is increasing. It meets modern requirements to designer’s professional activity. The lack of clear and accurate originals for construction of views, sections, schemes and tabular materials, as well as use of hand work and the counterfeit automated software products, are current problems for graphics culture in the field of hydrotechnical design because significantly reduce labor productivity, quality of drawing’s performance and use. The authors offer a novel approach to formation of graphics culture in future engineers in the field of hydrotechnical construction. In this paper the possibilities of the AutoCAD system, mainly as a tool for performance of a wide range of engineering graphics tasks of any complexity when developing drawings for hydraulic engineering constructions have been considered, including: • search and analysis of layout solutions. By using AutoCAD system in its simplest, basic version, one can both analyze configuration of huge structures with accuracy up to 0,001 m and design drawings for more sizeable objects, such as plants, hydroelectric power stations, conglomerations; • design drawings of any subject and complexity. The basic version’s possibilities are quite enough to convert obtained layout solutions into high-quality project documentation that meets the requirements of domestic design standards; • design development for work execution – even without a digitized basis; • construction of loading schemes and stresses epures; • construction of graphs and diagrams. Sequential approach to formation of graphics culture will allow realize a united learning task on engineering and computer graphics for aiding in solution such important task as providing of combination for manual and computer-aided drawing when getting students’ education in graphics courses.

hydraulic engineering graphics; computer-aided design; engineering graphics; graphic culture; hydrotechnical construction.

В настоящее время рынок труда требует от выпускника вуза высокой профессиональной мобильности, активной жизненной позиции.


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