Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Recommendations for the design continuity of the content of basic General and secondary vocational education in the context of general and structural changes in the education in our country. On the basis of the comparative analysis of the Federal state educational standards for “Technology” and the Federal state educational standards of secondary professional education the foundation for the design continuity of the content of education in educational complexes “school — College” are set in the form of organizational-pedagogical conditions implemented in the context of personal-oriented approach, motivating students to continue studies in colleges. The methodists and teachers can use presented in the article missions for the organization of practical activities of students.

the continuity of the content of basic General and secondary vocational education, educational complex “School — College”, organizational-pedagogical conditions, personal learning outcomes.

Федеральные государственные образовательные стандарты (ФГОС) общего образования не содержат прямых указаний и методов формирования у школьников мотивации к продолжению обучения в системе среднего профессионального образования по окончании основного общего образования.


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