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Abstract (English):
The Russian Federation has developed network of different natural protected territories and significant potential for ecotourism development. Ecotourism should be considered as a priority type of tourism for Baikal natural territory. Zabaikalsky National Park is one of the few reserves in Russia, which in its natural settings fully meet the UNESCO criteria. The recreation nature use is developing rapidly in the park in the last ten years. Tourism is often spontaneous. Such development with the lack of organizational events caused several problems associated with the disruption of ecosystems. There is no organized and equipped routes, including ecological routes, where the tourists could explore the landscapes and components of the park. It’s necessary to equip the most popular areas of the park and to develop routes for of different types of tourists to reduce the recreational digression in the most popular tourist places. Any offers of nature protected territories development must correspond to the ecological capacity of natural objects, which depends on a set of parameters. The authors offer several actions to develop ecotourism in one of the most popular area “Monakhovo – Zmeevaya bay” to provide the high level of safety and comfort of eco-routs and to minimize the impact on nature.

recreation, ecotourism, specially protected natural territories, Zabaykalsky National Park, ecological route, recreational digression.
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