Rubrics: REVIEW
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Abstract (English):
The article describes the experience of representatives of Russian state university of Tourism and Service participation in the annual Scandinavian Symposia of tourism and hospitality researchers, which has been gradually formed as a large scientific community over 25 years and has been an important platform for Russian-European academic cooperation in recent years. At the beginning of the article, the author describes the general context of Russian-Scandinavian cooperation, including some aspects of national and international programs and mechanisms for the organization of cooperation projects and activities that are available today. Then the paper presents generalizations on the basis of meta-analysis for the main thematic areas and topical aspects of tourism, which have been at the center of scientific interests of Scandinavian researchers in the field of tourism and hospitality. The completeness and diversity of topics at Scandinavian symposia are not only extremely interesting and very promising in terms of international scientific and practical knowledge in the field of tourism and hospitality, but also very compatible and complementary to those research issues that are most relevant for the development of the tourism and hospitality sector in Russia. For that reason, a greater participation of Russian representatives in the Scandinavian symposia of tourism and hospitality researcher could be of great interest and a large common good for both sides (Scandinavian/European and Russian) in terms of possible new conceptual frameworks, new and hybrid methodologies, comparative studies and the arrangement of international scientific and educational projects. The article also illustrates the positive externalities of the development of Scandinavian-Russian project activities, which include organizing by Scandinavian colleagues additional research seminars for Russian academic visitors and also good joint publication possibilities. The author also elaborates on topics of the most recent meetings at Nordic symposiums and at additional research seminars, as well as possible further topics for joint research and the organization of new project activities.

academic cooperation, scholar network, sustainability, responsible tourism, innovation, experiences, Arctic, nature-based tourism, liminality, walking trails, urban, second-home, redevelopment of post-industrial areas, Nordic, Russian-European.
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