Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ufa, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The analysis of climate change in the Russian Federation has been carried out. It has been shown that the major climate change is occurring in the Arctic zone — increased emissions of carbon dioxide and methane, deep permafrost thawing. Due to the change of climatic conditions, improvement of the ecological situation and wide use of biological cleaning systems for a treatment of industrial and household effluents a change of biological systems is taking place. Natural selection of microorganisms capable to use as a nutritious substratum such previously inert materials as polyethylene and polypropylene is intensified. The change of climatic conditions in which complex technical systems are operated, and the impact of biological and ecological factors on these systems dictate the need for revision of approaches to creation, design and operation of appropriate technical means. Actions for standardization of procedure for products climatic qualification taking into account the influence of newly forming climatic, ecological and biological conditions will allow considerably reduce economic losses from corrosion, aging and biodeterioration of complex technical systems. The work has been carried out in the frame of implementation of complex research area 18 “Climatic Tests for Safety Provision and Protection from Corrosion, Aging and Biodeterioration of Materials, Constructions and Complex Technical System in Natural Environments” (“Strategic Areas for Development of Materials and Their Treatment Technologies for the Period until 2030”).
climate, corrosion, aging, biodeterioration, complex technical systems, operation safety, environmental testing.
1. Введение
Наиболее важный этап при создании техники — установление ее климатического исполнения, что определяет, в каком климате и при каком воздействии внешних факторов может работать соответствующие материал или изделие в течение назначенного периода эксплуатации [1–3].
1. Kablov E. N. Strategicheskie napravleniya razvitiya materialov i tekhnologiy ikh pererabotki na period do 2030 goda [Review of International Experience on Corrosion and Corrosion Protection]. Aviatsionnye materialy i tekhnologii [Aviation Materials and Technologies]. 2012, I. 5, pp. 7–17. (in Russian)
2. Kablov E. N., Startsev O. V., Medvedev I. M. Obzor zarubezhnogo opyta issledovaniy korrozii i sredstv zashchity ot korrozii [Survey of Foreign Experience of Corrosion Research and Corrosion Protection Means]. Aviatsionnye materialy i tekhnologii [Aviation Materials and Technologies]. 2015, I. 2, pp. 76–87. (in Russian)
3. Laptev A. B., Perov N. S., Bukharev G. M., Krivushina A. A. Osnovnye organizmy-biodestruktory konstruktsionnykh materialov v vodnykh sredakh [The Main Organisms-Biodestructors of Structural Materials in Aqueous Media]. Rol’ fundamental’nykh issledovaniy pri realizatsii “Strategicheskikh napravleniy razvitiya materialov i tekhnologiy ikh pererabotki na period do 2030 goda” [The Role of Fundamental Research in the Implementation of the “Strategic Directions for the Development of Materials and Technologies for Their Processing for the Period to 2030”]. Moscow, FGUP “VIAM” Publ., 2016, p. 19. (in Russian)
4. Akhiyarov R. Zh., Bugay D. E., Laptev A. B. Problemy podgotovki oborotnykh i stochnykh vod predpriyatiy neftedobychi [Problems of the Preparation of Circulating and Waste Waters of Oil Production Enterprises]. Neftepromyslovoe delo [Oilfield Engineering]. 2008, I. 9, pp. 61–65. (in Russian)
5. Laptev A. B., Lutsenko A. N., Kurs M. G., Bukharev G. M. Opyt issledovaniy biokorrozii metallov [Experience of Research of Metal Biocorrosion]. Praktika protivokorrozionnoy zashchity [Practice of Anticorrosive Protection]. 2016, I. 2(80), pp. 36–57. (in Russian)
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7. Laptev A. B., Navalikhin G. P. Povyshenie bezopasnosti ekspluatatsii promyslovykh nefteprovodov [Increase of Safety of Exploitation of Commercial Oil Pipelines]. Neftepromyslovoe delo [Oilfield Engineering]. 2006, I. 1, pp. 48–52. (in Russian)
8. Mikhaylov A. A., Panchenko Yu.M., Igonin T. N., Suloeva M. N., Kovtanyuk V. V., Markina L. V. Atmosfernaya korroziya uglerodistoy stali: modelirovanie i kartografirovanie territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Atmospheric Corrosion of Carbon Steel: Modeling and Mapping of the Territory of the Russian Federation]. Korroziya: materialy, zashchita [Corrosion: Materials, Protection]. 2010, I. 11, pp. 1–10. (in Russian)
9. Akhiyarov R. Zh., Matveev Yu.G., Laptev A. B., Bugay D. E. Resursosberegayushchie tekhnologii predotvrashcheniya biozarazheniya plastovykh vod predpriyatiy neftedobychi [Saving Technologies to Prevent Produced Water Infection by Bacteria at Oil Enterprises]. Neftegazovoe delo [Oil and Gas Business]. 2011, I. 5, pp. 232–242. Available at: http:// (accessed 05 April 2017). (in Russian)
10. Belan M., Torp A. Pogoda: kakie perspektivy? [Weather: What Are Prospects?]. Byulleten’ VMO. Zhurnal Vsemirnoy meteorologicheskoy organizatsii [WMO Bulletin. Journal of the World Meteorological Organization]. 2015, V. 64(1), pp. 11–13. (in Russian)
11. Buyvolov Yu.A., Lazareva G. A., Bykova I. V., Potyutko O. M., Gerasimova T. A., Uvarov A. G. Ezhegodnik sostoyaniya ekosistem poverkhnostnykh vod Rossii (po gidrobiologicheskim pokazatelyam) [Yearbook of the Status of Eosystems of Surface Waters of Russia (by Hydrobiological Indicators)]. Moscow, FGBU “IGKE Rosgidrometa i RAN” Publ., 2015. 174 p. (in Russian)
12. Aviatsionnye materialy [Aviation materials]. Klimaticheskaya i mikrobiologicheskaya stoykost’ nemetallicheskikh materialov [Climatic and Microbiological Resistance of Nonmetallic Materials]. Moscow, FGUP “VIAM” Publ., 2015. 270 p. (in Russian)
13. Laptev A. B., Nikolaev E. V., Skirta A. A., Laptev D. A. Metod otsenki sostoyaniya materialov v protsesse klimaticheskogo stareniya [Method of Evaluating the Condition of Materials During Climatic Aging]. Aviakosmicheskoe priborostroenie [Aerospace Instrument-making]. 2016, I. 11, pp. 20–29. (in Russian)
14. Grinevich A. V., Erasov V. S., Lutsenko A. N., Laptev A. B., Kutyrev A. E., Skripachev S. Yu. Problemnye zadachi opredeleniya raschetnykh kharakteristik aviatsionnykh konstruktsionnykh materialov [Problematic Tasks of Determining the Design Characteristics of Aviation Structural Materials]. V sbornike IX Vserossiyskoy konferentsii po ispytaniyam i issledovaniyam svoystv materialov”TestMat”, 20 aprelya 2017 g. [In the collection of the IX All-Russian Conference on Testing and Research of Material Properties “TestMat”, April 20, 2017]. Moscow, FGUP “VIAM” Publ., GNTs RF Publ., 2017, p. 16. (in Russian)
15. Laptev A. B., Lutsenko A. N., Skripachev S. Yu. Standartizatsiya klimaticheskoy kvalifikatsii izdeliy [Standardization of Climatic Qualification of Products]. Standarty i kachestvo [Standards and Quality]. 2016, I. 11, pp. 82–85. (in Russian)
16. Nikolaeva L. A., Laptev A. G., Iskhakova R. Ya.Wastewater Treatment of Industrial Enterprises Using Carbonate Sludge.Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2015, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 947–950.
17. Laptev A. B., Barbot’ko S.L., Nikolaev E. V., Skirta A. A. Statisticheskaya obrabotka rezul’tatov klimaticheskikh ispytaniy stekloplastikov [Statistical Processing of the Results of Climatic Tests of Fiberglass Plastics]. Plasticheskie massy [Plastic Masses]. 2016, I. 3–4, pp. 58–64. (in Russian)
18. Lutsenko A. N., Kurs M. G., Laptev A. B. Obosnovanie srokov naturnykh klimaticheskikh ispytaniy metallicheskikh materialov v atmosfere chernomorskogo poberezh’ya. Analiticheskiy obzor [Experimental Justification for the Sched ule of Natural Climatic Tests for Metal Materials in Atmosphere of Black Sea Coast. Analytical Review]. Voprosy materialovedeniya [Material Science Issues]. 2016, I. 3, pp. 126 137. (in Russian)
19. Kablov E. N., Muboyadzhyan S. A. Zharostoykie i teplozashchitnye pokrytiya dlya lopatok turbiny vysokogo davleniya perspektivnykh GTD [Heat-Resistant and Heat-Shielding Coatings for High-Pressure Turbine Blades of Advanced GTE]. Aviatsionnye materialy i tekhnologii [Aviation Materials and Technologies]. 2012, I. 8, pp. 60–70. (in Russian)
20. Teremova M. I., Vorob’eva S.V., Romanchenko A. S. Uglevodorodokislyayushchie bakterii kak potentsial’nye destruktory polietilena vysokogo davleniya [Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Bacteria as the Potential Destructors of High-Pressure Polyethylene]. Vestnik Krasnoyarskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta [Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University]. 2011, I. 11, pp. 133–138. (in Russian)
21. Kablov E. N., Startsev O. V. Fundamental’nye i prikladnye issledovaniya korrozii i stareniya materialov v klimaticheskikh usloviyakh (obzor) [Fundamental and Applied Research of Corrosion and Aging of Materials in Climatic Conditions (Review)]. Aviatsionnye materialy i tekhnologii [Aviation Materials and Technologies]. 2015, I. 4, pp. 38–52. DOI: 10.18577/2071–9140–2015–0–4–38–52. (in Russian)
22. Vorob’eva G. A. Korrozionnaya stoykost’ materialov v agressivnykh sredakh khimicheskikh proizvodstv [Corrosion Resistance of Materials in Aggressive Environments of Chemical Industries]. Moscow, Khimiya Publ., 1975. 816 p. (in Russian)
23. Erasov V. S., Grinevich A. V., Senik V. Ya., Konovalov V. V., Trunin Yu.P., Nesterenko G. I. Raschetnye znacheniya kharakteristik prochnosti aviatsionnykh materialov [Calculated Values of the Strength Characteristics of Aviation Materials]. Aviatsionnye materialy i tekhnologii [Aviation Materials and Technologies]. 2012, I. 2, pp. 14–16. (in Russian)
24. Grinspun D. My menyaem nash mir i nas samikh. Chto dal’she? [We are Changing Our world and Ourselves. What’s Next?]. V mire nauki [Scientific American (Russian version)]. 2016, I. 11, pp. 16–18. (in Russian)
25. Yonetani M. Peremeshchenie naseleniya iz-za bedstviy v usloviyakh izmenyayushchegosya klimata [Moving Population Due to Disasters in a Changing Climate]. Byulleten’ VMO. Zhurnal Vsemirnoy meteorologicheskoy organizatsii [Bulletin of the WMO. Journal of the World Meteorological Organization]. 2016, V. 65(1), pp. 16–23. (in Russian)
26. Aleksandrov A. A., Larionov V. I., Novikov P. A. Dinamicheskiy analiz riska tekhnogennykh opasnostey [Dynamic Analysis of the Risk of Technogenic Hazards]. Vestnik MGTU im. N. E. Baumana. Seriya Estestvennye nauki [Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Series Natural Sciences]. 2014, I. 5(56), pp. 128–134. (in Russian)