Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The statistical analysis of ionizing radiation sources has been carried out in this paper. It has been revealed that the greatest radiation dose is produced by emission of radon as the main source of natural radiation. It has been determined that the average radiation dose per inhabitant in the Kemerovo region is 4.28 mSv / year, which is close to the irradiation level’s threshold value. The study of radon emission from a burning dump’s surface has been carried out. The contribution of burning coal dumps to the general radiation situation of Kuzbass has been shown.

radiation dose, ionizing radiation sources, rocks permeability, rock dumps, radon fluxes’ density.

1. Введение
Добыча угля нарушает сложившееся в природе равновесие и приводит к резкой интенсификации процессов массообмена между недрами земли и атмосферой.


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