Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This is continuation of author’s works in energy saving area; the work’s aim is to identify opportunities for energy cost reducing when cold producing by vapor compression chilling machine with variable cooling load. Have been considered schemes, in which the stored cold compensates the cooling load’s peaks. Have been presented the results of thermodynamic calculations, which show the possible ranges of chilling machine performance changing while working together with a cold accumulator. As a device for cold reserve storage have been considered an ice accumulator having short, not exceeding a day “charge-discharge” cycle, and a seasonal cold accumulator charged during the winter.

ice accumulator, variable cooling load, energy saving, seasonal cold accumulator, refrigeration unit.

1. Введение
В настоящее время наблюдается значительный рост потребления электроэнергии для охлаждения помещений и при производстве промышленного холода. Жилые и общественные здания, в которых кондиционируется воздух, в летний период нуждаются в уменьшении внутренней температуры.


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