Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Two approaches to decision-making for ensuring the safety of an industrial facility are considered: safety requirements have been defined by normative documents and are controlled by the state; safety requirements are accepted by those who create and operate a hazardous object based on its system analysis and risk assessment. Has been performed the system analysis together with determining an impact on the risk of some decisions, regulated by normative documents. It has been shown that these decisions practically do not influence the technological system’s risk and safety, and expenses for their implementation are unjustified. Decisions based on the technological system’s danger analysis with subsequent choice of systems fulfilling safety functions, and requirements for their efficiency and reliability, ensuring a risk reduction to acceptable values, allow ensure safety as the absence of unacceptable risk with optimization of expenses for the safety achieving.

risk magnitude, acceptable risk, system analysis, decision-making, safety systems, risk reduction.

1. Введение
Как отмечалось в [1], существуют два подхода к принятию решений для обеспечения безопасности промышленного объекта: а) технические и организационные требования к безопасности объекта определены законодательством и контролируются государством; б) тот, кто эксплуатирует объект, анализирует создаваемые этим объектом риски, принимает решения по их снижению и несет ответственность.


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