Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The year 2017 is called the year of ecology, because the state of the environment is constantly deteriorating and requires a serious attitude towards itself. The lack of proper environmental education entails misunderstanding and the inability to adequately assess the catastrophic ecological situation that has developed. The article analyzes the components of the university environmental education in Russia: a scientific one, including the theory and methodology of the issue of environmental protection; normative, studying moral, legal and aesthetic issues; value, considering ideals, ideas, goals and defining nature, as a primary value. The problem of environmental education for economists, financiers, managers in the conditions of the “new economy” has been studied. Conclusions are drawn about the need for comprehensive environmental education, which includes economic, social and educational aspects for improving the ecological culture of the society, with a special role of the educational aspect of environmental education.
environmental education, levels, components and aspects of environmental education, environmental management.
Защита окружающей среды — важнейшая задача современности. Мировая экологическая ситуация только ухудшается, а необходимость в ее улучшении и стабилизации обостряется.
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