Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Structural peculiarities of a powder composite mixture on the basis of aluminum and dispersion carbon structures intended for gas-detonation sputtering for an anti-friction purpose are investigated in the paper. As initial materials there was used an aluminum powder, carbon powder, boron carbide powder, powder slurry consisting of fullerenes C60 and ultra-dispersion diamonds in a certain ratio. The powder mixture obtained was subjected to a mechanical activation with the aid of a planetary ball mill of AGO-2S type. According to the results of the morphological analysis it was established that a composite mixture possesses a layer structure characteristic for powder mixtures subjected to a mechanical activation in the course of a long period of time. A mean size of obtained mechano-composite particles makes about 100…150 mkm. An X-ray structural investigation of a composite powder mixture formulations 70% Al+30%C+B4C and 70%Al + 30%C60 (total %) + B4C after mechanical activation revealed that boron carbide contributes well to the amorphization of a composite powder mixture. It is also established that after mechano-activation of the “Al+C+B4C” powder mixture during 4 min carbon transforms to an X-ray amorphous state to which testifies the presence of amorphous “halo” at small angles and carbon peaks disappeared completely. There is no carbon dissolution in aluminum and chemical compounds are not formed.
composite material; aluminum; carbon; fullerene; gas detonation sputtering
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