October revolution lead to global positive consequences for the world history and totally irreversibly changed the whole world. But for Russian statesmanship it was the time of serious hardships which are still influencing on us. Lack of governance in critical conditions contributed to radicalization of political situation and massive social upheaval what lead to a civil war. Attempt to renew the state structure makes scientists to look at the political history of the period of 100 years ago for learning and planning right steps in search of the new decisions, that makes them to reopen the principles of democratic organization that takes into account the sociocultural specifics of Russian political environment.
October Revolution, revolution, rebellion, modernity, political lessons.
Октябрьская революции 1917 г., 100-летний юбилей которой мы сегодня отмечаем, как и всякое масштабное историческое событие, представляет собой цельное, органически выросшее из всей совокупности фактов прошлого и будущего явление.
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