Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article approaches to the analysis of moral leadership — the difficult phenomenon which is only recently opened in the theory and practice of management, and social management, extremely perspective for the sphere, and social and humanitarian knowledge in general are considered. The author addresses leadership phenomenon research history in psychology and management, revealing regularities of development of theories of leadership (stages, a typologization). It is established that moral leadership as a subject of cross-disciplinary researches reproduces dynamics of formation of the main approaches to leadership developed in the XX century: from diagnostics to formation of competences. Concrete qualities of the moral leader are considered: the prudence, courage, self-control, justice (revealed by Aristotle), the humility and generosity (developed in Christian ethics) and modern (high level of moral responsibility). As competences of the moral leader are called: skills of ethical assessment, ethical examination, minimization of ethical risks, social intelligence. The main skill of the moral leader — adoption of administrative solutions of high degree of ethics is accented. It is claimed that formation of the professional — the moral leader — is possible by means of innovative technologies of ethical education. The example of a stakeholders analysis (the analysis of interested parties) as educational technology for formation of skills of ethical examination, minimization of ethical risks, adoption of administrative solutions of high degree of ethics is given.

leadership, leadership skills and competences, moral leadership, moral choice and responsibility, adoption of administrative solutions of high degree of ethics, stakeholders analysis, ethical examination, ethical design.

Введение. Исследование феномена лидерства носит междисциплинарный характер и основательно изучено в менеджменте (Ф. Фидлер [28], Т. Митчел [31; 32] и Р. Хаус [26], В. Врум и Ф. Йеттон [36], Р. Стогдилл [34; 35], К. Джибб [29], Д. Мак-Грегор [33], К. Левин [30], Р. Блейк и Дж. Моутон), психологии (К. Бэрд [25], Д. Карнеги [14], Л. Колберг [27] и К. Гиллиган [9]), педагогике (С.И. Гессен [8]), социологии (М. Оссовская [19], Ж. Ошавков и К. Нешев [16]), этике (Р.Т. де Джордж [10], Дж. Фритцше [22], Дж. Максвелл [18]), этологии (К. Лоренц, Р.В. Дольник [11; 12]).


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