Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Th is article considers the issues of draft ing working documents at assessment of risks of material distortion due to errors or unfair actions at the reporting level as a whole, as well as at the level of transaction types, accounts balance, disclosures. Recommendations for documentation are suggested, based on the requirements of international standards of audit and recommendations of the Council of auditor activity under the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation.
audit, international standards of audit, working documentation, risk of material distortion.
Основные обязанности аудитора по выявлению и оценке рисков существенного искажения финансовой отчетности аудируемого лица определяет МСА 315 «Выявление и оценка рисков существенного искажения посредством изучения организации и ее окружения».
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