Moscow, Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The article deals with the problem of the difficulties encountered by Russian students in applying the gained knowledge in solving practicaloriented mathematical problems, revealed as a result of international and domestic research. An approach is proposed for the implementation of the basic requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education - the formation of meta-subject learning outcomes. The analysis of the potential of the practice-oriented tasks used in the course of mastering the mathematics course of the primary school with the aim of achieving meta-subject learning outcomes is presented.
Federal state educational standard of primary general education; meta-subject results of learning; mathematics course in primary school; practice-oriented tasks.
Международные исследования продолжают выявлять одну из проблем современного отечественного школьного образования – трудности в применении учащимися тех знаний, которые они освоили в процессе обучения [7].
1. Krasnyanskaya K.A., Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O. Izuchenie matematicheskoy podgotovki vypusknikov nachal’nykh shkol Rossii [The study of the mathematical training of graduates of primary schools in Russia]. Sayt Tsentra otsenki kachestva obrazovaniya IOSO RAO. Matematika. 1999 [The site of the Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Education of IOSO RAO. Mathematics. 1999]. Available at: http://www.centeroko.ru/math99/math99_pub.html (accessed 18 November 2017).
2. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Matematika: uchebnik dlya uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniy. 1 klass [Mathematics: a textbook for students of general education institutions. 1 class]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012.
3. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Matematika: uchebnik dlya uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniy. 2 klass [Mathematics: a textbook for students of general education institutions. 2 class]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012.
4. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Matematika: uchebnik dlya uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniy. 3 klass [Mathematics: a textbook for students of general education institutions. 3 class]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012.
5. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Matematika: uchebnik dlya uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniy. 4 klass [Mathematics: a textbook for students of general education institutions. 4 class]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012.
6. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Programma po matematike dlya chetyrekhletney nachal’noy shkoly [A mathematics program for a four-year elementary school]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2011.
7. Rezul’taty mezhdunarodnogo issledovaniya TIMSS-2015. 4 klass [Results of the international study TIMSS-2015. 4 class]. Sayt Tsentra otsenki kachestva obrazovaniya. TIMSS [The site of the Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Education. TIMSS]. Available at: http://www.centeroko.ru/timss15/timss15_pub.htm (accessed 18 November 2017).