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Abstract (English):
The timber road can be called one of the most significant elements of the timber industry complex, therefore, the construction of highways plays an important role not only in the effective development of the timber industry complex, but is also an indispensable element for all spheres of human activity. Considering currently available ways of transporting timber, the development of road transport becomes the most effective in the conditions of our country. Despite of this, transport infrastructure in the main forest regions is poorly developed due to the strong impact of unfavorable factors. Therefore, the paramount task for specialists is improving the quality of roads. The key problem of the majority of logging roads is the loss of strength characteristics due to the influence of unfavorable climatic conditions on them. In promising forest regions, it is expressed in strong over-moistening of soils, occurrence of floods, mudflows. The impact of floods on the surface of slopes of the earth road bed reduces its service life and leads to premature aging and deformation. Considering the rate of penetration of liquid into the soil of roadbed as a variable value, we set ourselves the goal of deriving the differential equation of fluid motion in a porous medium under the influence of external loads. When carrying out a study of the rate of penetration of liquid into the soil of the roadbed, Newton's second law was taken as the basis. Having written in more detail the values of water mass layer impregnating the surface of the earth roadbed and forces acting on the surface of the slope of the roadbed and including the force of the fluid pressure, the resistance force of the slope surface and the resistance force of the protection structure, we obtained the required equation. Using the solution of the differential equation of fluid motion in the soil of the roadbed under the influence of external loads, it is possible to determine the value of the rate of penetration of liquid into the soil of earth roadbed at different values of filtration path at any time moment.

waterlogging, deformation, floods, slopes, equation, pressure force, resistance force, speed, mass
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Строительство автомобильных дорог не только играет важную роль в эффективном развитии лесопромышленного комплекса, но и является незаменимым элементом для всех сфер человеческой деятельности. Они постоянно расширяются, охватывая всё большую территорию. В современных условиях перевозка лесоматериалов автотранспортом наиболее распространена по сравнению с другими видами транспортировки грузов, такими как водный и железнодорожный способы перевозки лесных материалов (рис. 1). Использование водного транспорта леса по рекам на данный момент не актуально из-за запрета молевого лесосплава, несмотря на низкую стоимость. Это привело к тому, что лесозаготовительные предприятия, примыкающие к малым и средним рекам, оказались отрезанными от автомобильных дорог, а огромные лесные массивы были исключены из ресурсов вырубки. Перевозка лесоматериалов железнодорожным транспортом также пользуется спросом. Она позволяет транспортировать одновременно большое количество материалов.


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