Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Industrialization in the Soviet Union is a genuine “economic miracle”. For a very mild historical period, in just one third of a century, the country’s economy, having begun with the destruction of the Civil War, having overcome the tests of the Patriotic War, has reached the level of a scientifi c and industrial complex capable of creating atomic bombs and space rockets. There are two opposite points of view explaining this “economic miracle.” The one — the economy of the Soviet Union was built by the prisoners of the GULAG; another point of view — the economy of our country was created by the hands of enthusiasts who believe in building a bright future. The article justifi es the third point of view: in our country, a staff mechanism was created, or a fram’s party apparatus, to select and promote personnel. Built into a social vertical elevator, it ensured the advancement of talented people upstairs, and the country’s economy with labor potential.

social mobility elevator, social structure, social management, fram’s party apparatus, staff policy.

Советское государство, пройдя неоднозначный путь достижений и потерь, просуществовав неполных 70 лет, оставило современному поколению весьма непростое социально-экономическое наследие, а с ним и множество загадок
и мифов.


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