Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article gives the results of the sociological analysis of the impact on the organization of human resource management services in the nanoindustry by introducing professional standards and independent qualification assessment into practice. The latter are called upon to reorient personnel services to the management of personnel quality. The current position of the services regarding the use of professional standards and evaluation of qualifications in the personnel management is presented. The ways of using these tools in implementing the personnel policy of the enterprise are discussed.

professional qualifications, professional standards, independent assessment of qualifications.

С 2010 г. Фондом инфраструктурных и образовательных программ (далее — Фонд) [8] реализуется образовательный проект, задача которого обеспечить кадрами быстро меняющиеся технологии наноиндустрии.


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