Russian Federation
Russian Federation
For many years economic theorists are working on issues of development and functioning of business. This is the topic of many articles, it is made numerous findings and proposals concerning the issues of planning, efficiency management, distribution of profits, etc. Along with this, the influence of external environment on individual businesses is not sufficiently researched. The most sensitive to external microenvironment small business is concentrated mainly in the major cities, agglomeration systems. On the one hand, it creates the basis for agglomeration economies, on the other hand, it is entirely dependent on the administrative and managerial processes occurring in it. In this regard, the establishment of an effective management model agglomeration can improve the performance of the business. What models of agglomeration systems are there? Which one is the most effective? The article considers what problems have authorities in the organization of this process.
efficiency of enterprises, small businesses sintering system, model of governance, inter-municipal cooperation.
1. Постановка проблемы
Известно, что достижение фирмами (предприятиями) целей, обеспечивающих им долгосрочные конкурентные преимущества — максимизация прибыли, финансовая устойчивость, повышение эффективности использования собственных ресурсов и производственных возможностей, роста уровня квалификации и в целом качественных характеристик персонала, инвестиционная привлекательность — во многом определяются качеством внешней среды.
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