Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article will deal with psychological and theoretical concepts of the mass consciousness’s formation, which belong to the work of outstanding Russian scientists late XIX — early XX centuries: N. Mikhailovsky, A.A. Bogdanov, N.I. Kareyev, L. Petrazhitsky, I.A. Ilyin, P.A. Sorokin and V.M. Bechterew. These scientists created the fundamentals of the psychoanalytic mass consciousness’s theory, substantiate its basic theoretical positions. Within the framework of the socio-psychological analysis, they posed fundamental problems: on the existence of a collective consciousness of a group different from the individual consciousness, but that collective consciousness, in turn, to a certain degree is created, about the nature and essential collective consciousness’s content, about its formation’s mechanism, functioning and development. In the opinion of prominent Russian scientists, the basis for such a mechanism is mental processes suggestion, infection and imitation. They also reveal the characteristics of possible forms of communicative interaction in the conditions of the elemental masses emergence.
mass consciousness, mechanism of mass consciousness formation, mental processes suggestion, contagion and imitation, psychic contagion, collective reflex, psychoanalytic mass theory, collective reflexology concept.
В центр исследования психоаналитических концепций формирования и развития массового сознания общества ставится проблема изучения природы массового, коммуникативного поведения, групповой активности больших скоплений людей.
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