Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the main results of the research conducted by Russian State University of tourism and service in the 2016 on the development of recom- mendations for the creation of conditions for the concentration of tourism activity in the Noginsk Municipal District, consolidated investment plan and a system of program activities for the development of the tourism complex of the Noginsk Municipal District of Moscow Region. The study was commissioned by the Noginsk Municipal Administration with the aim of creating appropriate scientific, methodological and project proposals. A large-scale study of the tourist and recreational potential of the region has been carried out, and its main strategic message concluded in the thesis that realization of cultural and recreational components of the district will ensure the investment attractiveness and profitability of the industry in the long term. At the same time, the accelerated development of the industry is impossible without the restructuring of its management using project and program-target methods. The article notes that the thematic basis for the development projects of the tourist complex Noginsk municipal district should be the key elements of symbolic capital, which later will help build a series of values for the development of tourism products. As a linguistic form of positioning, the author proposes to use the slogan "Noginsk – the territory of faith, hope and love". The choice of the slogan is caused by the resource potential of the Noginsk district. The con- ceptual core of the topic "Noginsk is the territory of faith" is the saturation of the area by the objects of the Russian Orthodox Church. The author regards emotional ties of generations, nostalgic trends, military and historical heritage, history of industrial development, present and future of the district as conceptual nuclei of the topic "Noginsk – the territory of hope". The topic "Noginsk – the territory of love" is complementary and allows combining under the slogan other resources that are not included in the first two nuclei, since love is multifaceted.

design solutions, tourist complex, thematic base, Noginsk municipal district
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