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Abstract (English):
In the modern service economy, the efficiency of an enterprise largely depends on the ability of the staff to create a hospitable environment for the client. This causes the relevance of the study in the content of the creative capital of hospitality, which must have a competent, highly qualified professional in the service sector. Materials and methods: The study is carried out on the basis of a metatheoretical approach to the definition of creative capital. The author uses the methodology of determining syntax of characteristics, analysis of their content and subsequent synthesis of the category of the system under investigation. The materials of the works of domestic and foreign scientists are used for conducting system-positive studies. Results: The author formulates the imperatives and the category of the creative capital of hospitality. The last is a system of relations among the owners of production and financial capitals, developers of technologies for receiving guests, and sellers and consumers of services. These relationships are formed over: creative abilities, experience, leadership qualities, hospitality innovation, accommodation, nutrition, leisure, ensuring the satisfaction of the guest. The capital of hospitality ensures the enterprise competitiveness, increases the service value creates satisfaction and happiness of clients. Hospitality is becoming one of the main properties of the service, which requires constant development in a favorable socio-economic and legislative environment. The imperatives of creative capital and the category received reflect the basic guidelines for the development of human abilities in the field of hospitality. The work was supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 17-12-34032.

abilities, giftedness, creative capital, hospitality, metatheory, system analysis, imperatives, synthesis, category
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