Ryazan', Orel, Russian Federation
UDK 31 Статистика. Демография. Социология
GRNTI 14.07 Общая педагогика
OKSO 44.03.02 Психолого-педагогическое образование
BBK 74 Образование. Педагогическая наука
The article is about the role of communication process both in everyday life and in professional pedagogical activity. The article deals with the disclosure of communication functions in various pedagogical situations related to the teacher’s activities as a source of knowledge, as a researcher of students and as an organizer of collective activity. The importance of taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the pupils, especially adolescents is noted. The article compares the different classifications of accentuations and considers the results of the experiment to identify them in the tenth graders, the authors provides recommendations on the organization of classes in the study groups and the preferred type of tasks for all types of accentuations described by A.E. Lichko.
communication, pedagogical communication, pedagogical situations, accentuation of character, differentiated training.
Актуальность. Любая деятельность человека не может осуществляться без коммуникации, однако в деятельности педагога она из второстепенного, опосредованного фактора перерастает в функциональную категорию, становясь главным инструментом педагогического воздействия.
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