Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers theoretical bases of the strategy to ensure financial stability of the enterprise which is the basis for determining directions of organization of financial relations both in the internal environment of the enterprise and beyond. Various approaches of economists to the definition of enterprise strategy are investigated, which highlighted two approaches to the interpretation of this concept: disclosure strategies as a means of achieving the objectives of the entity and consideration of the strategy of the enterprise as a set of decision rules. The article displayed the author’s definition of strategy to ensure financial stability of the enterprise. The author describes the main tasks and principles, which must rely on the development of a strategy for financial stability. Sequence of formation of the strategy to ensure the financial stability of the company, consisting of ten stages are proposed.

financial stability of the enterprise, alternative, strategy, enterprise strategy, strategy to ensure the financial stability of the enterprise.

В современных условиях способность предприятий адаптироваться к постоянным изменениям социально-экономической среды в системе стратегического управления стала одним из необходимых условий их стабильного развития в условиях кризисных явлений.


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