Vologda, Vologda, Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The author examines the problem of the formation of regulatory universal educational activities for primary school students in conditions of ungraded classes. The article emphasizes the effectiveness of this assessment system for developing the self-esteem of a younger schoolchildren, the ability to control their activities and adequately assess it. The stages of the formation of regulatory training activities are described.
younger schoolchildren; ungraded classes; the formation of regulatory universal educational activities; monitoring and evaluation; team work.
Новые образовательные стандарты определили смену образовательной парадигмы со знаниевой на деятельностную.
1. Vorontsov A.B. Pedagogicheskaya tekhnologiya kontrolya i otsenki uchebnoy deyatel’nosti: obrazovatel’naya sistema D.B. El’konina – V.V. Davydova [Pedagogical technology of control and evaluation of educational activities: the educational system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov]. Moscow, Rasskazov” Publ., 2002. 303 p.
2. Matveeva E.I., Pankova O.B., Patrikeeva I.E. Kriterial’noe otsenivanie v nachal’noy shkole: posobie dlya uchitelya (iz opyta raboty) [Criterial assessment in primary school: a manual for teachers (from work experience)]. Moscow, Vita-Press Publ., 2012. 168 p.
3. Morosanova V.I. Individual’nyy stil’ samoregulyatsii: fenomen, struktura, funktsii v proizvol’noy aktivnosti cheloveka [Individual style of self-regulation: a phenomenon, structure, functions in the arbitrary activity of a person]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1998. 192 p.
4. Tsukerman G.A. Zachem detyam uchit’sya vmeste? Seriya: «Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike»: pedagogika i psikhologiya [Why should children learn together? Series: “New in life, science, technology”: pedagogy and psychology]. Moscow, Znanie Publ., 1985. 80 p.
5. Tsukerman G.A., Polivanova K.N. Vvedenie v shkol’nuyu zhizn’: programma adaptatsii detey k shkol’noy zhizni [Introduction to school life: a program for adapting children to school life: a manual for teachers]. Moscow, Moskovskiy tsentr kachestva obrazovaniya Publ., 2010. 120 p.