Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At present time, in our country, the question of the reproduction of the human and scientific potential of education is acute. In this connection, the problem arises of attracting and securing young teachers in higher educational institutions. Its decision is hampered by the fact that the level of income of young university teachers is half the average salary in professional areas in the study region, most likely this is due to the fact that an effective contract as a measure of incentives for teachers under 35 years of age practically does not work. The primary empirical information used in this article was collected by the questionnaire method. Two surveys were conducted: the first teachers of higher education institutions of all age cohorts and the second teacher up to 35 years old. In the course of the study, it was found that the currently effective contracts for young teachers do not work in full force. This is due to the fact that most often there are no separate performance indicators for young teachers, as well as criteria for existing indicators, in the first years of scientific and pedagogical experience are practically not achievable.

a young teacher, an incentive, an effective contract, performance indicators.

В каждом высшем учебном заведении (вузе) должна обеспечиваться преемственность и сменяемость научно-педагогических работников, а это значит, что следует привлекать молодых преподавателей и стимулировать их постоянное развитие [5, с. 205].


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