Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
To determine the processes occurring in the depths of the Yangan-tau mountain parts of gasothermal baths of the resort have been studied and a number of different organic and mineral substances dissolved in the condensate steam of gasothermal mixture was found. This circumstance requires new experimental research using the condensation of steam. One of the first researches was to study the influence of steam condensate on clinical strains of microbes. The study showed that the condensate vapour has an active anti-microbial action in the first hours after the receipt of the wells of the resort. An important role belongs to the concentration of condensate steam when only 100% concentration has bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. For experiments on germs condensate steam obtained from the well «5» was used, which has the least amount of organic substances and other bio-components in one liter steam condensate compared with condensation couple of other wells. Over time the activity of bacteriostatic effect of the condensate steam quickly drops due to the evaporation of some organic substances from the group of phenols and iodine organic substances. Despite the large number of different other bio-components of bacteriostatic action they cann’t have this action due to the low concentration of zinc. Insignificant quantity of radon also doesn’t have a substantial bacteriostatic action. This research showed that condensate steam has an evident antimicrobial energy and is estimated as a good result in medical procedure and in a hygiene area.

steam condensate, bacteriostatic activity, organic substances

Условно разделив составные части газотермальных ванн курорта Янаган-Тау на три компонента: тепло, газы и конденсат пара, необходимо было определить место и роль последнего в эффективности лечения. Для этого требовались не только клинические, но и экспериментальные исследования, в том числе на микробах.

Цель исследования – изучение влияния конденсата пара газотермальных ванн курорта Янган-Тау на различные клинические штаммы бактерий.

Указанный термальный пар был получен из паровоздушных термальных каптажных скважин горячего пара курорта Янган-Тау, пробуренных на месте их естественных выходов, в виде безнапорных конвективн


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