Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract The subject of the proposed study is aimed at studying the process of grinding barking waste. The main tasks of experimental research are to establish general patterns linking the energy intensity of grinding of debarking waste with the degree of grinding and to estimate the energy intensity of the grinding operation of barking waste in prepara-tion for utilization. The article presents the results of experiments on crushing waste from spruce and pine, performed with the Erdwich M600 / 1-400 industrial choppers. For each of the two species, 9 groups of experimental material have been examined at different humidity and degree of grinding. It is shown that the specific energy intensity of grinding waste from spruce and pine barking is associated with the relative humidity of the barking waste and the degree of their grinding by a nonlinear dependence repeating the structure of the Kirpichev-Kick grinding law; corresponding mathematical models are got. It has been established that the ratio of heat combustion of the dry matter contained in the bark crushing product ("energy cost") and the energy expended for its crushing ("energy prime cost") depends on the relative humidity of the bark, and the dependence has a minimum point. The optimum moisture content of the waste products from the spruce, subject to grinding, is 25%, pine - 27%. It is established that the specific energy intensity of grinding waste from debarking spruce and pine with the optimum humidity is proportional to the natural logarithm of the degree of grinding. With optimum humidity for grinding waste, debarking sprues in 5-15 times requires energy consumption of 5-10% of the calorific value. At optimum humidity for pine waste grinding in 5-15 times, energy making 7-14% of a heat of combustion is required

grinding, energy intensity, barking waste, knife working body
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