Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A large number of linguistic studies have been devoted to the analysis of the techniques and kinds of language used by politicians to reinforce ideologies in the masses and to attain specific objectives. Nevertheless the constant change in the contexts of political discourse necessitates new research in the field. This paper is an attempt to highlight individual linguistic features of President of Chechen Republic Ramsan Kadyrov to understand the nature of motivational arguments he uses to persuade his audiences towards political aims. Although the analysis draws inspiration from classical works, it focuses on the discussion of real-world contexts of political life in Chechya which called for ideological, social and political changes in the country in the years 2005 -2013. Since leaders’ speeches are the texts prepared by speech writers more spontaneous interview material has been chosen for the analysis. The content analysis of 0Kadyrov’s interviews made it possible to detect the vector of ongoing changes in Chechen Republic. At the same time the article concludes that to make judgments about public political person’s portrait requires a focus on the long-term period of leader’s presidency, with special focus on national peculiarities. However, the analysis allows to say they Kadyrov is a charismatic personality guided by the decisions based on what would be best for the his country and its people.

classical rhetoric, image, cognitive dissonance, semantic field, terrorism, content analysis.

Изучение языкового облика политического деятеля является одним из актуальных направлений в современной коммуникативистике, которое объясняется исследовательским интересом к политической личности в общем и ее важной ролью в репрезентации национальной политической картины мира через эмоциональное воздействие на аудиторию.


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