Tomsk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 58.31 Применение изотопов и ионизирующих излучений
Purpose: To study dosimetric characteristics of neutron radiation field, to determine their role in the formation of the total cytogenetic effect in the patient’s body and to assess the cytogenetic dosimetry capabilities in improving the quality of NT. Material and methods: A therapeutic beam with the average neutron energy of ~6.3 MeV was obtained from the V-120 cyclotron. The radiation field of the beam was investigated with the help of two ionization chambers with different sensitivity to neutrons. Chamber with high and low sensitivities were made of polyethylene and graphite, respectively. To exclude the uncertainty associated with the change in beam intensity in time, a dosimeter monitor operating in the integral mode was used. Results: The dependence of the monitor factor on the irradiated area was measured. The distributions of the absorbed dose of neutrons and γ-radiation over the depth of the tissue-equivalent medium were found. The contribution of γ-radiation to the neutron dose was increased from ~10 % at the entry to the medium to ~30 % at a depth of 16 cm. Dose distributions of scattered neutron and γ-radiation in the plane of the end face of the forming device were obtained. The contribution of these radiations to the dose received by the patient’s body was estimated. This contribution was shown to be comparable with that from the therapeutic beam. The analysis of the influence of NT on the estimation of the frequency of chromosome aberrations in the blood of patients was carried out. Conclusion: The frequency of chromosome aberrations in the blood of patients was determined by the whole-body dose, including dose due to scattered radiation. When using equal focal doses, the cytogenetic effect was found to be dependent on the area of the irradiated field and the depth of the tumor in the patient’s body. The differences in the RBE of neutrons and γ-radiation as well as the instability of the therapeutic neutron beam intensity create uncertainties that do not allow for the necessary control over the doses using the cytogenetic dosimetry. Therefore, cytogenetic dosimetry should be combined with an effective instrument dosimetry method. The use of biodosimetry based on the assessment of the frequency of chromosome aberrations is promising for controlling the average whole-body dose, on which the overall radiation response of the body depends.
neutron therapy, cytogenetic effect, cyclotron U-120
Исследование цитогенетических эффектов, возникающих в организме человека при воздействии на него ионизирующих излучений, представляет несомненный интерес. Исследователей интересует характер цитогенетических нарушений, генерируемых редкоионизирующим и плотно ионизирующим излучением, например, нейтронами. Одно из направлений в подобных исследованиях предполагает разработку метода оценки дозы, полученной индивидуумом, по выявленному у него цитогенетическому эффекту. Внимание к этой задаче обусловлено ее высокой научной и практической значимостью. Развитие ядерной энергетики, применение ускорителей и радиоактивных изотопов сопряжено с реальным риском возникновения радиационных аварий того или иного масштаба. При радиационной аварии радиационному воздействию могут быть подвергнуты лица, не имеющие при себе приборов дозиметрического контроля, а лица, имеющие такие приборы, могут быть облучены в дозах, превышающих верхний предел измерения прибора. Поэтому цитогенетическую дозиметрию можно рассматривать как важное условие готовности к радиационным аварийным ситуациям и реагированию на них.
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