Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Innovative economy, digital technologies, information management methods in modern conditions of market relations development determine the vector of the domestic policy of the economic entity — maintenance of efficient functioning, progressive development and growth of competitiveness. The implementation of these directions is provided by the construction of an integrated information accounting and analysis system, the development of communication links within this system, the introduction of digital technologies, accounting and control methods and analytical tools. Acceptance and implementation of justified management decisions is possible in the event that an economic entity will form such a system, taking into account the effective communication interaction of its elements. In the article the authors consider the actual issues of the construction and implementation of the information accounting and analytical system and suggest a model for the communication interaction of its elements. The article was prepared in the course of carrying out research work within the framework of the project part of the state task in the field of scientific activity in accordance with the task No. 26.2758.2017 / 4.6 for 2017-2019. on the topic «The system for analyzing the formation and distribution of the cost of innovative products based on the infrastructure concept».

accounting, analysis, audit, accounting and analytical system, information, communications, interaction of elements.

В условиях массового распространения цифровых технологий современную систему управления организацией отличает довольно сложная информационная система, связанная с большим количеством внешних и внутренних информационных потоков, а также их разнообразием.


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