Doneck, Ukraine
Doneck, Ukraine
Doneck, Ukraine
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
GRNTI 55.35 Металлургическое машиностроение
A procedure for optimization of cutting modes taking into account a distribution law of cutter life as a random variable is presented. On the basis of the analysis of the optimization criterion – cost price as a function of the random argument there are obtained analytical dependences which allowed taking into account quantitatively cutter life spreading at its optimum value definition.
durability, coefficient of variation, distribution law, optimization, cost price
1. Starkov, V.K. Physics and Optimization of Metal Cut-ting. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2009. – pp. 640.
2. Ivchenko, T.G. Optimum level definition of cutter quali-ty taking into account random character of criterion and opti-mization parameters // Efficient Technologies and Mechanical Engineering Systems. – Donetsk: DonNTU, 2004. – No.27. - pp. 97-104.
3. Ivchenko, T.G. Parameter prediction of law of cutter durability distribution as random value // Efficient Technolo-gies and Mechanical Engineering Systems. – Donetsk: DonN-TU, 2016. – No.3 (54). - pp. 49-54.
4. Ivchenko, T.G. Cutting mode optimization taking into account random character of cutter durability // Efficient Tech-nologies and Mechanical Engineering Systems. – Donetsk: DonNTU, 2017. – No.4 (59). - pp. 24-30.
5. Wentzel, E.S. Probability Theory. – M.: Science, 1979. – pp. 576.