Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.01 Общие вопросы машиностроения
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
GRNTI 55.35 Металлургическое машиностроение
On the basis of experiment results there is carried out an analysis of the cutting parameter impact upon force components of cutting at processing composites with cutting edges under different cutting conditions. The analysis of circular graphs of force components of cutting reasoning from the specified role of each force in the course of cutting is carried out.
tangential and radial force of cutting, polymeric composites, elastic and plastic deformations
1. Matalin, A.A. Engineering Techniques: textbook. 3-d edition. – S-Pb.: Publishing House “Lan”, 2010. – pp. 512.
2. Zubarev, Yu.M., Priyomyshev, A.V., Zaostrovsky, A.S. Polymer Materials in Mechanical Engineering and Technolo-gies of Their Processing. – S-Pb.: Publishing House of Poly-technic University. 2017. – pp. 172.
3. Korchak, S.N., Productivity of Steel Parts Grinding. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1974. – pp. 365.
4. Bobrov, V.F. Osnovy teorii rezaniya metallov. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1975. – 344 s.
5. Priyomyshev, A.V., Zaostrovsky, A.S. Peculiarities of advanced technology polymer composite material machining based on carbon fiber with thermoplastic matrix // Science and Education: Innovations, Integration and Development. – 2014. – No.1. – pp. 174-179.
6. Zubarev, Yu.M., Priemyshev, A.V., Zaostrovskiy, A.S. Osobennosti lezviynoy obrabotki rezaniem zagoto-vok iz polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov // Naukoemkie tehnologii v mashinostroenii. ‒ 2018. ‒ №2(80). ‒ S. 40‒48.
7. Bobrov, V.F. Fundamentals of Metal Cutting Theory. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1975. – pp. 344.
8. Zubarev, Yu.M., Priyomyshev, A.V., Zaostrovsky, A.S. Peculiarities of polymer composite blank blade cutting // Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. – 2018. – No.2(80). – pp. 40-48.