Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.01 Общие вопросы машиностроения
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
GRNTI 55.35 Металлургическое машиностроение
A procedure is developed and the initial and boundary conditions of surface temperature computer simulation at combined and common plane grinding are defined. Dependences connecting the temperature of a surface worked with the value of allowance cut off, a line feed and a cross-feed of a blank are defined on the basis of which a mode of combined flat peripheral grinding ensuring the elimination of thermal damages of a surface layer worked is set.
combined grinding, heat current, surface worked, temperature, simulation, fine-grain and coarse-grain disks
1. Gusev, V.G., Morozov, A.V. Flat Peripheral Grinding with Discrete Disks: monograph [text]. – Yoshkar-Ola: Collo-quium, 2012. – pp. 222. ISBN 978-5-905371-38-7.
2. Pat. No. 2385216 the Russian Federation, B24D, 7/00. Discrete Grinding Tool / Gusev V.G., Morozov A.V., Shvagi-rev P.S.; published. 2010. Bull. No.9.
3. Morozov, A.V., Gusev, V.G. Discrete Flat End Grind-ing: monograph [text]. – M.: “Pero” Publishing House, 2016. – pp. 124. ISBN 978-5-906927-57-6.
4. Gusev, V.G., Morozov, A.V. Technology of disk work-ing surface discretization by laser and hydro-abrasive jet // Science Intensive in Mechanical Engineering. – 2017. – No.9 (75). – pp. 21-27.
5. Morozov, A.V., Gusev, V.G. Stressed state simulation of cutting surface in discrete grinding disk // Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. – 2017. – No.10 (76). – pp. 23-29.
6. Morozov, A.V., Gusev, V.G. Temperature simulation of blank grinded with end solid and segment disks in CAE-complex Solid Works // Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. – 2017. – No.11 (77). – pp. 18-23.
7. Suslov, A.G. Quality of Machinery Surface Layer. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2000. – pp. 320.
8. Pat. No.2606143 the Russian Federation. B24D5/14, B24B7/02. Grinding Method // Gusev V.G., Morozov A.V.; published 10.01.2017. Bull. No.1.
9. Ermakov, Yu.M., Stepanov, Yu.S. Outlooks in devel-opment of abrasive-diamond processing // Fundamental and Applied Problems of Engineering and Technology. – 2011. – No.3 (287). – pp. 85-90.