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Abstract (English):
Subject matter Russian Federation national program “Health Development” realizing at the present time involves the following direction “Primary prevention of dental disorder among Russian Federation population”. To achieve desired targeted indicators there is need in regional program development for preventing disease among Tyumen region population based on scientifically grounded data on the regional characteristics basis. Objectives Development of research and information basis for creating a regional program of primary prevention of dental disorder of Tyumen region population. Methodology. In accordance with the dental status registration charts (WHO, 2013) the assessment of Tyumen region dental disorders was made by questionnaire survey method. It includes a range of factors influencing its occurring such as region sick rate according to Medical center for information and analysis; presence of phenotypic manifestations of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia, drinking water fluoride content; eating behavior factor, hygienic education. Statistical processing of data was made by using Vortex 10.7.3 software. Results. Teeth caries intensity of study group was high and at some cases it differed from the targeted indicators of Russian Federation healthcare development program. Caries intensity of 12-year-old children from Tyumen and Tyumen region was 2,51; from North region 4,41; from South region 2,4 (target indicator equals 2,3). Caries intensity of an adult person aged from 35 to 44 years old from central and north regions was about 15,52 (target indicator equals 14,4). The periodontium progression symptoms of 15-year-old adolescents were found at 3 sextants at average (targeted indicator is 5 sextants with healthy periodontium). There was also found high incidence of intercurrent diseases and undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia syndrome, low drinking water fluoridation, low level of hygienic education. Conclusions The regional program plan of primary prevention of Tyumen population dental disorder was developed according to the case studies data.

dental disease incidence rate, caries intensity, primary prevention of dental disorder, fluoride, undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia syndrome.
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