Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Research by means of Raman spectrometry 30 teeth samples with pathological elements: early teeth attrition within the enamel, caries within the enamel, the intact enamel (control) was made. For caries average ratio of mineral/organic matrix is 0.31, and for fabrics with high abrasion – 0.64. With the development of caries decreased mineral content of the components (reduced phosphate line) and there are broad line of organic compounds, as well as increased uorescent background. All the investigated samples consist mainly of carbonate-apatite substituted by B-type, the maximum amount of which is characteristic of the intact enamel, minimum – for carious tissue; intermediate position occupied by the fabric with high abrasion. Carious tissue characterized highest content disordered phosphate – A-type substitution (carbonate ions replace hydroxyl ions) or presence of amorphous calcium phosphate. Comparison of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the composition of the mineral component of the pathology of hard tissues of teeth de nes a personalized approach to treatment and prevention of the progression of diseases of hard tissues of the teeth.
raman spectroscopy, tooth attrition, mineralization degree assessment, treatment, prevention