Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.1992 until now
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
This article analyzes the impact of various factors on the properties of the underlying dental material «Ftoraks», used to make the bases full and partial removable plate prostheses. The data presented in the article is based on research materials conducted on the basis of the dental laboratory dental clinic UGMU and polymer chair of UFU. On the basis of experimental research the conclusions are made about the significant influence of the ratio of components Ftoraks material on its properties and about the effect of the composition of the water environment on the allocation of the residual monomer. The recommendations are given for the use of the optical density in laundering of water and the amount of light transmission as a rapid test sample by washing and selection criteria for evaluating the properties of the basic dental polymeric materials.
dental material «Ftoraks», the ratio of the components, properties, IR-spectroscopy, water extract, the allocation of the residual monomer